Planning Calendar
EMC, BAC | Publish Final TLU estimate after Governor’s Budget |
IEC | Review current annual plan spring items and send out reminders |
Evaluate Instructional Program Reviews. Rank Plan Items. |
Review state budget assumptions and build preliminary budget to include funded initiatives |
Cabinet, FPC | Prioritize staffing requests |
IEC | Review Ed Master Plan to inform new Annual Plan |
IEC | ‘Theme’ Program Review actions to add to new Annual Plan |
IEC | Evaluate and Roll unfinished plans from current Annual Plan to new Annual Plan |
IEC | Incorporate previous ILO dialog into new Annual Plan |
IEC | Send reminder to planning committees, Senate, CSEA, Managers' Council, & Cabinet for Annual Plan items. |
IEC | Collect Annual Plan items from TPC, FPC, SEP (all planning committees), Senate, CSEA, Management Council, & Cabinet to incorporate into Annual Plan |
IEC | Review and draft new Annual Plan |
All committees | Conduct self-evaluations and submit to IR for Institutional Effectiveness Report |
IEC | Hold Institutional Effectiveness summit |
IEC | Assess Institution-set Standards, Vision for Success goals |
All planning committees | Draft annual planning committee meeting schedule for upcoming year. Determine membership needs |
IEC | Present Annual Plan to Senate and planning committees |
BAC | Review state budget assumptions and build preliminary budget to include funded initiatives (see January) |
IEC | Collect Annual Plan progress updates for Institutional Effectiveness Report |
IEC | Review Integrated Planning Model |
PRC | Finalize ranking of Program Review Plans, forward to President, Cabinet and post final rankings to web |
Administration | Finalize Annual Plan and present to Board |
Board | Adopt tentative budget |
VPISD, President | Present the Program Review Committee Executive Summary to Board and to Budget Advisory Committee |
IEC | Review Committee Handbook |
Board | Review Mission/Vision/Values from prior year |
IEC | Complete Institutional Effectiveness Report |
IEC | Present Annual Plan at Convocation |
IEC | Post Institutional Effectiveness Report |
Instruction | Review and Revise assessment plans and outcome maps |
Assessment, IEC, All Areas | Conduct interdisciplinary & institutional assessment dialogue at Convocation, including ILO discussion |
IEC | Review annual institutional planning items for fall. Send out reminders to all areas |
Board | Adopt Final Budget |
IR | Provide datasets for Program Review by Sept 4 |
Administration | Hold employee workshops on budget and planning |
All Areas | Complete and submit Program Reviews by Oct 31st |
PRC | Submit faculty requests to FPC (Faculty Prioritization Committee) |
FPC | Rank Faculty requests |
PRC | Evaluate Student Development and Administrative Program Reviews |
IEC, Board | Update and present Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard to Board |
EMC, BAC | EMC gives preliminary TLU estimate to the BAC |
VPs, Deans, & Directors | Review all operational resource requests to determine funding |
Instruction | Submit fall assessment reports, Due one week after grades |