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Planning Calendar


EMC, BAC Publish Final TLU estimate after Governor’s Budget
IEC Review current annual plan spring items and send out reminders


Evaluate Instructional Program Reviews. Rank Plan Items.


Review state budget assumptions and build preliminary budget to include funded initiatives


Cabinet, FPC Prioritize staffing requests
IEC Review Ed Master Plan to inform new Annual Plan
IEC ‘Theme’ Program Review actions to add to new Annual Plan
IEC Evaluate and Roll unfinished plans from current Annual Plan to new Annual Plan
IEC Incorporate previous ILO dialog into new Annual Plan
IEC Send reminder to planning committees, Senate, CSEA, Managers' Council, & Cabinet for Annual Plan items.


IEC Collect Annual Plan items from TPC, FPC, SEP (all planning committees), Senate, CSEA, Management Council, & Cabinet to incorporate into Annual Plan
IEC Review and draft new Annual Plan
All committees Conduct self-evaluations and submit to IR for Institutional Effectiveness Report


IEC Hold Institutional Effectiveness summit
IEC Assess Institution-set Standards, Vision for Success goals
All planning committees Draft annual planning committee meeting schedule for upcoming year. Determine membership needs
IEC Present Annual Plan to Senate and planning committees


BAC Review state budget assumptions and build preliminary budget to include funded initiatives (see January)
IEC Collect Annual Plan progress updates for Institutional Effectiveness Report
IEC Review Integrated Planning Model
PRC Finalize ranking of Program Review Plans, forward to President, Cabinet and post final rankings to web


Administration Finalize Annual Plan and present to Board
Board Adopt tentative budget
VPISD, President Present the Program Review Committee Executive Summary to Board and to Budget Advisory Committee
IEC Review Committee Handbook


Board Review Mission/Vision/Values from prior year
IEC Complete Institutional Effectiveness Report


IEC Present Annual Plan at Convocation
IEC Post Institutional Effectiveness Report
Instruction Review and Revise assessment plans and outcome maps
Assessment, IEC, All Areas Conduct interdisciplinary & institutional assessment dialogue at Convocation, including ILO discussion


IEC Review annual institutional planning items for fall. Send out reminders to all areas
Board Adopt Final Budget
IR Provide datasets for Program Review by Sept 4


Administration Hold employee workshops on budget and planning
All Areas Complete and submit Program Reviews by Oct 31st


PRC Submit faculty requests to FPC (Faculty Prioritization Committee)
FPC Rank Faculty requests
PRC Evaluate Student Development and Administrative Program Reviews


IEC, Board Update and present Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard to Board
EMC, BAC EMC gives preliminary TLU estimate to the BAC
VPs, Deans, & Directors Review all operational resource requests to determine funding
Instruction Submit fall assessment reports, Due one week after grades